Southwark Council planning officers have rejected a proposal to demolish and redevelop the Stanley Arms pub in Southwark Park Road.
Pub landlord Roy Nicholls had applied for outline planning permission to knock down the Victorian building and replace it with a new four-storey block of nine flats with commercial space on the ground level.
Southwark planning officers rejected the application last month under delegated powers on the grounds that “the proposal would result in the loss of a community use to serve local people” and the pub’s status as an “undesignated heritage asset of special architectural and historic significance”.
Objectors to the planning application included the Victorian Society as well as the Greater London region and South East London branch of the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA).
A letter from Tangram Architects submitted to the council in December 2014 noted that despite the landlord’s best efforts, “demographical changes” [sic] meant that “the business is nevertheless failing; it will not continue and the pub will inevitably close”.
See all the related documents at 14/AP/4668