Councillors will decide next Tuesday whether or not to grant planning permission for the controversial ‘Alice in Winterland‘ commercial event due to take over part of Southwark Park from November to January.
The scheme is on the agenda for planning sub-committee B on Tuesday 30 October.
In his report to the committee, planning officer Alex Cameron concludes: “Overall, given the temporary nature of the proposal, it is not considered that it would affect the long term openness of Southwark Park and would provide facilities for outdoor recreation. While the development is not strictly an appropriate one on [Metropolitan Open Land], it is acceptable considering it would be temporary and the benefits to the local community.”
Nearly 500 people have signed a petition opposing the event, but others – including the Friends of Southwark Park – are supportive.
Full details of the planning application are at 18/AP/2766.
Waste of time, it’s already a done deal, the tickets are already on sale, no thought for the local residents, it will be a nightmare 3 months, myself and hundreds of other residents are opposed to it, but not listened to. Should not be held in a residential area. Disgusting.
If it goes ahead I think local residents should be given free tickets or at least subsidise!