Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has given a £20,000 boost to plans to light up six historic Rotherhithe buildings with a pledge of City Hall cash to the crowdfunding campaign.
Funding is being sought to examine the technical feasibility of illuminating six historic buildings in time for 2020, the 400th anniversary of the
sailing of the Mayflower from Rotherhithe to the New World.
Now the scheme’s backers have until 17 December to raise the final £8,280.
The minimum pledge is £2 and backers will only be charged if the target is reached.
Deputy Mayor for Planning, Regeneration and Skills, Jules Pipe, said: “All Londoners should feel that they are part of the regeneration of their neighbourhoods and crowdfunding is a really effective way of giving people a stake in their part of the city.
“The Mayor’s Crowdfund London programme empowers Londoners to bring about positive change in their local area and I would encourage people to support these innovative projects.”