Transport for London and Southwark Council have launched a public consultation on revised plans for the Jamaica Road / Southwark Park Road / West Lane junction in connection with the new cycle superhighway.
The new plans include banning the right turn out of Southwark Park Road on to Jamaica Road for all traffic except buses, taxis and cyclists.
“This is in response to safety and congestion concerns raised regarding additional strategic traffic using Southwark Park Road to access Rotherhithe Tunnel,” says TfL.
The public consultation continues till Tuesday 2 April.
Just will cause more congestion and chaos. Its bad enough as it is when you have to live around here
What a load of rubbish!! This plan is an absolute joke and will just cause more problems to a road that is already problematic!! How about open the bus lanes (the ones nearest to the tunnel) during the busier hours especially then evening as this is when there is congestion because of the tunnel access. I love right on the corner hear and can not bare anymore noise and beeping if horns all day and night.
Most stupid idea I’ve heard this is just bottling traffic down Jamaica road. 1st the tunnel now this. Add the ULEZ into this and for the average working person we delay their journeys or charge them through the nose. Complete scam and farce by a mayor and government interested in lining their own pockets
Absolute tosh! More congestion.
Another scheme to annoy you out of your vehicle’s, bermondsey and rotherhithe is a major bottle neck for commuters travelling east and South east, the main difference travelling in that direction compared to travelling North, West and South West is there are just two river crossings past rotherhithe tunnel “three if you include the Woolwich ferry” there’s a massive demand for more river crossings eastwards but there doesn’t seem to be much appetite for it at city hall which is odd considering how much has been spent on crossrail and the incessant promotion of cycling to get us around quicker, until a form of transport is invented that gives you the flexibility and freedom of a car people shall remain seated on Jamaica road for hours on end watching the cyclists whizz past on their shiney new lanes financed by road tax.
What absolute joke this will cause more traffic on st James road all because of cyclists who don’t pay road tax or any other payment So people with cars have to suffer once again Cancel all together the cycle lane
Drivers will go straight on and U-turn to get on to Jamaica road or do the Paradise St. And Cathay St. rat run. This will cause even more stationary traffic and more pollution. The ULIZ is going to cause so much more pollution around the area causing rat runs and with this too pollution will rise. Stop this madness now please.
Congratulations TFL idiots you’ve just doubled time and distance of some local journeys to schools and nurseries that need to be made by car, whilst causing further traffic chaos and pollution and further restricting people’s access to and from their homes.
But we have more empty cycle lanes to show for it
It’s a strange solution.
I hope they won’t cut trees down in order to make room for the bikeways.
I also don’t understand why they have to cut off the right turn to Jamaica Road.
What a stupid idea it’s just going to cause more traffic jam