Local residents are being invited to show their support for a project to create a seven-metre artwork from parts of the ‘red crane’ or scotch derrick that used to stand on the riverside near Odessa Street.
Local blacksmith Kevin Boys rescued some of the parts of the crane when it was dismantled to make way for a new housing development.
The developer, Hollybrook Homes, has part-funded the artwork project and built a plinth for the sculpture on the Thames Path – but more cash is needed to complete the project.
The Rotherhithe Red Crane is now on crowdfunding site SpaceHive where it will compete with other projects for a share of funding from the Mayor of London, as well as backing from local people and businesses.
The scheme will soon be open for pledges from the public, but you can already register your support.
You can also follow @BuildCrane on Twitter.
I understood that this was a promise to restore this iconic feature of our area of another time, so that we wouldn’t object to the development.
It is very important that we restore what is left to keep the area’s past as intact as is possible.