
15 years after the Jubilee line extension opened, Transport for London has launched a search for a development partner to build above Bermondsey Tube Station on Jamaica Road.

Bermondsey Station is one of six sites in Southwark identified by TfL for property development (the other five are in SE1)

The award-winning station was designed by Ian Ritchie Architects. An over-station development was always part of the plan.


Police in Southwark have released a CCTV image linked to an artifice burglary at the home of a 95-year-old woman in Bermondsey.

The suspect is believed to have gained entry to the victim’s flat in John Roll Way at about 2.30pm on Friday 23 January.

The man was discovered in the flat with the victim when her granddaughter arrived and challenged him.

He claimed to be a mobility driver, but the granddaughter doubted his story and told him to leave.

After he left the flat, the victim’s bag was checked and they found that money was missing from her purse.

Police were called and further enquiries by officers revealed he had also spoken to other residents in the block, giving different explanations as to why he was there.

Detectives from Southwark CID are investigating and are appealing to anyone who has information as to the identity of the man in the CCTV to contact them.

“The victim in this case is an extremely vulnerable and elderly lady, and the suspect has managed somehow to con his way into her flat,” said PC Ashley Larkin.

“We’re eager to hear from anyone who might know or recognise the person on the CCTV image and would ask you to contact us as soon as possible, as we’re concerned they may be targeting other people in the area.”

Anyone with information or who recognises the person in the image should contact police on 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 quoting reference 169846.

C10 bus
Cllr Kath Whittam, Cllr Neil Coyle, Cllr Stephanie Cryan and Cllr Bill Williams

At last week’s transport-themed community council meeting Rotherhithe councillor Stephanie Cryan launched a petition calling on Transport for London to improve the C10 bus service and reduce the number of buses turned round at the Rotherhithe Tunnel roundabout rather than covering the full route via Rotherhithe Street to Canada Water.

Last week TfL introduced a new timetable on the C10 to improve reliability. The number of vehicles required to run the service has been increased by one from 15 to 16.

Cllr Neil Coyle (Labour’s prospective parliamentary candidate for Bermondsey & Old Southwark) said: “The C10 is the only bus that serves much of the Rotherhithe and Surrey Docks area, but several times every day the bus just gives up before it gets to Rotherhithe, and that just isn’t good enough.

“Residents in this area deserve better, which is why we’re calling on TfL to improve the service it provides. I would encourage residents in the area to add their voice to our campaign for better transport for Rotherhithe and Surrey Docks.”

Redriff press releaseHistorian and shadow education secretary Tristram Hunt visited Redriff Primary School last week with local Labour parliamentary candidate Neil Coyle.

Mr Hunt attended the school assembly and answered questions from year 6 pupils on Labour’s education policy.

“I was pleased to meet Redriff’s inspirational head Mickey Kelly and hear about the innovative partnership between the school and Southwark’s Labour council that will see an expansion of this popular school and a new school in nearby Bermondsey,” said Tristram Hunt MP.

“The year 6 pupils gave me a good grilling on what Labour plans to do if we win the election in May – I look forward to coming back and seeing the progress they have made.”


Neil Coyle added: “Southwark Labour will continue to find ways to increase school places in the borough, against the backdrop of a school places crisis caused by the Conservative and Lib Dem government.”

A new independent website has been set up to provide information on the proposed ‘Brunel Bridge’ – a walking and cycling link between Rotherhithe and Canary Wharf.

The site at will carry regular news updates on the project.

” My Deputy Mayor for Transport and TfL officers have met with Sustrans to assist them in the development of the scheme,” said Mayor of London Boris Johnson last week.

“Subject to demand and funding this work will lead to the development of a business case.”

At the recent Bermondsey & Rotherhithe Community Council meeting Southwark’s regeneration and transport supremo Cllr Mark Williams also confirmed the borough’s backing for the scheme.

Southwark Council has published an interesting statistical profile of the Bermondsey & Rotherhithe Community Council area (Grange, Riverside, Rotherhithe, South Bermondsey and Surrey Docks wards) NB the part of Livesey ward which falls in this community council area is not included in the stats.

You can read the whole document on the council website, but here are some key findings:

There were 70,710 residents estimated to be living in the Bermondsey and Rotherhithe Community Council area when the latest Census was conducted on 27th March 2011. This profile highlights some of the key information for the area.

  • A higher proportion of residents in Bermondsey and Rotherhithe than anywhere else in the Borough are aged 25-29 (16%) and 30-34 (13%). This is higher than the national average which is 7% for each of these categories.
  • The proportion of White residents in Bermondsey and Rotherhithe (63%) is higher than the Borough average of 54% but lower than the England average of 85%. The proportion of Asian / Asian British residents (12%) is second highest in the Borough and above the national average of 8%. The proportion of Black residents is 10% lower than the Borough average.
  • The majority of residents in Bermondsey and Rotherhithe identify as Christian (53%) and the area has the highest proportion of residents in the Borough identifying as Buddhist (2%) and Hindu (2%).
  • The proportion of residents in Bermondsey and Rotherhithe that live in a flat, maisonette or apartment (82%) is 8% higher than the Borough average and 61% higher than the national average.
  • The majority of Bermondsey and Rotherhithe residents either have English as their main language (78%) or speak English well (20%), however the proportion of those with English as their main language is lower than both the Borough average of 80% and the national average of 92%.
  • Bermondsey and Rotherhithe has the highest proportion of obese 10-11 year olds in the Borough (30%) and this is significantly higher than the national average of 19%.

Last year Southwark gave the green light for the redevelopment of the Surrey Docks Stadium site in Salter Road.

Now the homes are on sale under the name Anchor Point – in Hong Kong.

This weekend Fairview New Homes is holding a sales exhibition at the Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong hotel.

According to a puff piece in a local newspaper: “Anchor Point is a new beacon of luxury, quality and contemporary lifestyle in the heart of London. It is ideal for home or investment.

“Perfectly situated for work and leisure, the luxury residential development enjoys a dynamic environment, and is close to the city’s landmarks.

“The River Thames, lined with rowing and sailing clubs, is just a three-minute walk from the development.”

Read the full article in the Hong Kong Standard.

Message from the Canada Estate TRA:

The Canada Estate TRA is running a gardening project and a social history project in conjunction with Southwark Council JSI

The gardening project is open to all budding gardeners we are creating allotments to grow fruit and veg this is on Wednesday from 4pm to 6pm and Sunday 2 pm to 4 pm we will also be running this scheme in the half term holidays on Monday, Wednesday and Friday 12 pm to 2 pm

The social history project: We are interviewing people who worked in the docks and who lived here during that period and through photography and research of existing photos documenting the changes in the area

We are also interviewing the people who have immigrated to the area to get their stories of what it was like to leave their homeland and settle in the area. Same days same time as above its free to all .

Just turn up at the Canada Estate hall


A Labour shadow minister has visited Bermondsey’s Citizens Advice Bureau.

Helen Goodman MP, shadow minister for welfare reform, joined Bermondsey & Old Southwark parliamentary candidate Cllr Neil Coyle this week for a visit to the CAB at the Blue.

The shadow minister and the prospective parliamentary candidate spoke to members of CAB staff and discussed the impact of welfare changes, including the so-called bedroom tax (or spare room subsidy).

Cllr Coyle said: “It is shocking that such hardship exists at the heart of our community. We heard stories about carers who were hit with the bedroom tax when their elderly relatives died and parents nearly being evicted when their children go to university.

“The Liberal Democrats have repeatedly voted to keep the bedroom tax.

“If Labour don’t win in May, then during the next Parliament, more people are going to be affected by this cruel tax.

“Labour has pledged to abolish the bedroom tax and I will do everything possible to make it happen.”

Helen Goodman MP added: “If Labour don’t win and the bedroom tax isn’t abolished, it will cost those affected £3,500 during the next Parliament. The Citizens Advice Bureau does a tremendous job, but is faced with thousands of cases where people have been hit by unfair welfare reforms.

“Bermondsey and Old Southwark is a key marginal seat – voters here can make a difference not just for themselves but for the half a million families across Britain paying this cruel tax.”

This month the Green Party and the Conservative Party have named their parliamentary candidates for Bermondsey & Old Southwark at the 7 May general election.


This week’s Southwark council assembly had the theme ‘healthy and active communities’

As part of that, councillors heard a presentation from the recently founded London City Athletics Club which hopes to make its home at the soon-to-be-revamped athletics track at Southwark Park.

Here’s the audio from their presentation and Q&A with councillors: