Rotherhithe Police Station

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has confirmed that Rotherhithe Police Station in Lower Road will be put up for sale in September, five years after a sell-off was agreed in principle by his predecessor Boris Johnson.

News of the latest sell-off attempt came in response to a question tabled by Andrew Dismore AM:

Of the police buildings closed and earmarked for disposal under the previous Mayor there are five that have been vacated and will be openly marketed for sale from September. The 5 properties are:

Belvedere Police Station
Rotherhithe Police Station
Greenwich Police Station
Olwen House, Loman Street
Douglas Webb Section House

Rotherhithe Police Station’s front counter closed in 2013 but the police contact point provided at Canada Water Library as a partial replacement is now itself under threat.

Last week Neil Coyle MP tweeted that he had attended the final ward panel meeting to be held in the Lower Road building:


Thames Clippers has warned passengers to expect disruption to the ferry service between Nelson Dock at Rotherhithe and Canary Wharf next week due to lower than usual tides.

In an email to customers, the ferry operator said:

Please be advised that low tidal conditions are predicted 21st August – 25th August which may cause disruption to the RB4 Doubletree Docklands Ferry service at the following times:


  • 21st August 2017: 2040-2200
  • 22nd August 2017: 2131-2251
  • 23rd August 2017: 2216-2336
  • 24th August 2017: 1020-1140 and 2250-0010
  • 25th August 2017: 2330-0050


We’re sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Greenland Dock

Southwark Council has issued this safety advice in response to the growing problem of mobile phones and other valuables being stolen by thieves on mopeds:

Last week Southwark Council street cleaners confronted a pair of thieves on a moped who had just snatched valuables from a woman on the street around Greenland Dock, Rotherhithe.

The council and police are aware of a number of incidents like this in the area and are working to crack down on people using stolen scooters and mopeds.

Cllr Barrie Hargrove, cabinet member for communities, safety and leisure, said: “Southwark Council is working closely with police to crack down on these despicable thefts, and we are very proud of our staff members who went above and beyond their duty to help try and catch these thieves. We would ask all our residents to remain vigilant and report any incidents like this to the police.”

Residents can also follow some simple advice to prevent becoming targets for these kinds of thieves:

  • Be aware of your surroundings at all times and keep your personal property secure.
  • Don’t text while you’re walking – you won’t notice potential thieves approaching.
  • Use the security features on your phone.
  • Try going hands free or stand away from the roadside close to a wall so no one can come up behind you.
  • Your phone comes with a range of security features, such as keypad locks and remote data wiping. Make sure they are all activated to stop thieves from accessing your phone and personal data.
  • Know how to identify your phone if it’s stolen. Find your IMEI number by dialling *#06# from your phone and keep a written note of it. If the phone is stolen, report it to the police and your mobile provider to stop it being used.
  • Register your phone on to help police return recovered stolen property and combat the sale of stolen goods. Police recover more than 2500 items registered to the website on average every month. Never confront a thief or risk your own safety for the sake of your mobile device

Scooter and moped riders are also being urged to consider additional measures to secure their mopeds and scooters, such as using fitted anchors, security loops, disc and chain locks, and audible alarms.

Residents can also help police tackle moped theft and moped related crime such as theft snatch by reporting to police if you have witnessed or have footage of a bike being stolen or thieves carrying out a snatch theft. Your information will be treated in confidence and will help police to develop intelligence and target the thieves. Please contact us with:

  • Video footage
  • Photos
  • Details of time, date and location
  • If you have any other information about moped crime

You can do this by contacting the Met police on:

  • On Twitter @MetCC
  • On – tell us about something you’ve seen or heard.
  • By calling 101.
  • You can also report anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

In the event of a crime taking place, always call 999.

Southwark Police have also been tweeting advice:


Transport for London has written to local residents with details of its plans to convert the emergency access lane at the southern approach to the tunnel into a second general traffic lane.

A tree will be removed to allow emergency vehicles to cross a traffic island to reach the tunnel when required.

Work is due to start on 21 August.

“Overall, these changes should reduce waiting times for all traffic, including buses,” writes TfL’s Jay Daisi.

“However, we understand that there are many issues caused by continued queuing at peak times, with this route being in such high demand, due mainly to the fact that there is only one northbound lane through the Rotherhithe Tunnel.”

The Bermondsey in Bloom Competition is open for entries once more this month.

There will be prizes and certificates for the top three entrants (decided by independent judges) in each of the following categories:

  • Balconies and window boxes
  • Pubs and businesses
  • Community gardens
  • Edible gardens and allotments
  • Estates gardens
  • Resident gardens

The competition is open to all residents who live in the following wards:

  • Riverside
  • Grange
  • South Bermondsey
  • Surrey Docks

Full details at

Bushcraft Club (for 8-13 year olds) from 10am-4pm Fridays in July/August. Full details and booking via the website:
Family Cooking Sessions (aimed at under 8s and their families) Tuesday and Thursday mornings in July/August. Full details and booking via the website:

The police ‘contact point’ at Canada Water Library – set up in 2013 to compensate for the closure of the front desk at Rotherhithe Police Station – is to be axed under plans set out earlier this month by the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan.

Police officers are available at Canada Water Library for three hours a week.

Now the Mayor is planning a further raft of closures of front counters and contact points.

Public consultation continues until 6 October; details on the City Hall website.

Bacon’s College has announced that it is joining the United Learning group of schools.

United Learning’s schools include Paddington Academy, Lambeth Academy, Walthamstow Academy and Guildford High School.

The school – which has more than three centuries of history in Bermondsey and Rotherhithe – was rated ‘inadequate’ by Ofsted earlier this year.

Letters to parents from the headteacher and United Learning are available to download from the college website.