A new timetable has been introduced this week on the Thames Clippers ferry service between Rotherhithe and Canary Wharf, with two extended gaps in service during the day.
This is the email sent to passengers:
The RB4 Doubletree Docklands ferry timetable is changing from 5th November 2018.
Thames Clippers email
There will be a break in service between 1053 and 1157 and between 2103 and 2140 weekdays.
Your journey may be affected as follows:
Morning break:
Last boat before break: 1050 from Canary Wharf to Doubletree Docklands
First boat after break: 1157 from Doubletree Docklands to Canary Wharf
Afternoon break:
Last boat before break: 2100 from Canary Wharf to Doubletree Docklands
First boat after break: 2140 from Doubletree Docklands to Canary Wharf
See the new timetable here: https://www.thamesclippers.com/servicechanges
We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your continued and valued support.