Weekly drama classes for all ages at London Bubble Theatre
new term starts w/c 6th January 2018
Fun, friendly, creative sessions for children, teenagers and adults
These weekly classes give the opportunity for a wide range of people to make theatre together, assisted by experienced theatre practitioners who share the vision that people make theatre.

Classes held at 5 Elephant Lane, Rotherhithe, SE16 4JD
For 6-8yrs, 9-11yrs, 12-17yrs (youth theatre) and adults.
Fees: £60 (£30 concessions) for under 18s.  £80 (£40 concessions) for adults.  Taster classes available at start of term.

CLICK HERE to find out more
or contact 020 7237 4434 | [email protected]


News from Southern Gas Networks:

“We’re writing to make you aware of our forthcoming upgrade of our gas network in Lower Road, Rotherhithe. This essential work involves the replacement of old metal gas mains with new plastic pipe to ensure we continue to provide a safe and reliable gas supply to the local area. Our contractor Forefront Utilities will undertake this work on our behalf.

“So that we can minimise disruption, we have carefully consulted and planned our works in partnership with London Borough of Southwark Council. Our project will start on Monday 8 January and last approximately 13 weeks.

“We’ll be working in Lower Road in four phases. To ensure everyone’s safety throughout all four phases we will be closing one northbound lane of Lower Road and we need to suspend some bus stops to maintain traffic flow and minimise disruption. Details of where we’ll be working and our lane closure are set out below:

  • Phase 1 – approx. 3 weeks – On Monday 8 January we’ll start work in Lower Road opposite 1 to 12, Wells House. Our northbound lane closure will be between 64 Lower Road and Helen Peele Cottages
  • Phase 2 – approx. 3 weeks – Progressing south on Lower Road we’ll be working between numbers 54 and 68. Our northbound lane closure will be from outside the Everyone Active Sports centre to 54 Lower Road
  • Phase 3 – approx. 3 weeks – We’ll continue our work on Lower Road, outside the Everyone Active Sports centre. Our northbound lane closure remains outside the Everyone Active Sports centre but is now only to 66 Lower Road
  • Phase 4 – approx. 4 weeks – For phase 4 we will be working at the junction of Ann Moss way and outside St Olave’s House Nursing Home. Our northbound lane closure will be in place from 54 Lower Road to the junction of Ann Moss Way. We will also be closing the bus lane between the junction of Ann Moss Way and Rotherhithe Free Church. There will be no left turn into Ann Moss Way from Lower Road and we will have a signed diversion in place. We will also be suspending some parking in Ann Moss Way.

“We will be working extended hours to complete our work as safely and quickly as possible. We are mindful of those people who live in the area, and will try to keep noisy activity to a minimum where possible.

“All businesses in the local area will remain open as usual. We do have a compensation scheme in place for local businesses which suffer a genuine loss of trade because of our work. Packs are available from our website, sgn.co.uk, via the Publications section.

“I understand that roadworks can be frustrating. However, the new plastic pipe has a minimum lifespan of 80 years. This means that when the work is complete, Rotherhithe residents will continue to enjoy the benefits of a safe and reliable gas supply for years to come.”

Quietway 14 is a back-street cycle route between Blackfriars Road and Deptford – and Monday is your last chance to comment on the Canada Water to South Dock section, including:

  • Redriff Road underpass – public realm improvements and improve lighting.
  • Albion Footbridge – widening the ramp and the bridge, and improving the pavement surface.
  • New South Dock Lock Movable Bridge – a new bridge to improve walking and cycling connectivity to Lewisham whilst maintaining full boat access to South Dock Marina.

See the full details on the Southwark Council consultations hub.

Rotherhithe Police Station closed on Monday as local officers relocated to their new base inside Seven Islands Leisure Centre.

Although the front counter closed in 2013, officers have continued to work from the building.

Now the building on Lower Road has been earmarked for sale by the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime.

London Bubble is a community-based theatre company located in Rotherhithe, making theatre involving people of all ages aiming to build community, develop wellbeing and create dynamic and involving new theatre.

The charity is now recruiting new Ttustees to join its board, chaired by Sir Simon Hughes. London Bubble are particularly keen to address the following skills-gaps

1.      Fundraising, especially with experience of individual giving and legacy giving
2.      Young people’s wellbeing, including arts, youth justice and employment
3.      Knowledge of how schools work
4.      Digital engagement and its role both in making theatre and marketing it
5.          Knowledge and/or experience of Arts for Health initiatives from a Health or Social Care perspective.

More details on http://londonbubble.org.uk/jobs/

The Government has issued a five-year certificate of immunity which prevents the Printworks (formerly Harmsworth Quays) at Canada Water from gaining listed status.

However, the building’s temporary uses have proved so popular that the building may not be flattened in the forthcoming redevelopment of Canada Water. Listen to this Estates Gazette podcast to find out more.

Transport for London claims that recent changes to the road layout on the southern approach to the Rotherhithe Tunnel has had the effect of cutting journey times for buses along Jamaica Road by 2.5 minutes.

In his report to last week’s board meeting, TfL commissioner Mike Brown wrote: “We have delivered more than 80 of our planned 170 bus priority schemes for 2017-18 across 18 London boroughs, both on our roads and borough road networks.

“One such scheme is the creation of an extra lane on the northbound approach to Rotherhithe Tunnel, which is estimated to deliver 2.5 minutes of journey time saving per bus in both directions.

“These schemes have provided aggregated bus journey time savings of more than one hour.”

Donald Hunter – who served as radio officer on three Norwegian merchant ships carrying dangerous cargoes to allied forces – at the memorial outside the Norwegian Church

Three war memorials in Rotherhithe have been given listed status by the Government this week in the run up to Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday.

The three newly listed memorials are:


At present, the Jubilee line runs 30 trains an hour at the busiest times.

Under now cancelled plans to buy extra trains, Tube bosses hoped to reach 34 or 36 trains an hour.

Next May TfL will extend the period during which the highest frequency operates from one hour to two.

Without extra trains in the fleet, it is now hoped to reach 31 or 32 trains an hour in 2019.

Learn more by watching this video of the London Assembly transport committee’s session this morning: